Current address:
703 Burk St, Hobbs, Nm 88240
Historic addresses:
1515 Gulf St, Hobbs, NM 88240
Pedro Perez Muñiz
United States
Pedro Perez Muñiz
United States
Pedro Antonio Muniz
Puerto Rico area
Logistics and Supply Chain
Pedro Gonzalez Muñiz
Puerto Rico area
Presidente at Seguros y Tasaciones Gonzalez
Real Estate
Pedro Muniz
Oxford, Connecticut
Owner/ DJ/Producer/remixer at Wicked Sounds Entertainment
Pedro Muniz
Puerto Rico area
Wireline Billing and Customer Experience Area Manager at AT&T
Pedro Antonio Muniz
Puerto Rico area
Logistics and Supply Chain
Pedro G. Muñiz Socorro
Puerto Rico area
Logistics and Distribution Manager at BioNuclear, Inc.
Hospital & Health Care